The Pants at about 6 and a half months.......4 and a half months corrected.

Zack is now the proud owner of some light blue hearing aids, very fancy. We went to the hospital to get them fitted. The nurse popped one in and said "Now, what do you think to that then?" He immediately turned to look at her, which was met with some oooooohs from the nurses. Another one was popped in the other ear and Zack was tuned in......ta dah, we have sound!!!! In his usual style of not really giving a fig to anything, Zack sat there and just had a good look around the room as though nothing had changed and it was just a usual Thursday morning at he hospital.
I was more impressed with the small satchel Zack got which contained a whole host of hearing aid goodies, including little washing cup, batteries, battery tester, a little swoosh thing to blow at any condensation bubbles and a hearing attachment, that lets me hear how his hearing aids sound so that I know they work. But seriously the bag is too cute.
After a quick lesson in how to change batteries and test the hearing aids for on and off another mould was taken of Zack's ears. Apparently, as babies grow so quickly the hearing aids become too small for their ears so they need new ones every month or so. We have to go back in a week to get them fitted, another thing to add to his list of things to do. Oh, we were also invited to come along to a parent and baby group to meet other mums and babies who have had hearing aids fitted, I told them to send me an invite, I'm sure we'll see if Zack and I can fit them in, you know it's not like we have anything else to do, like fly to London, have tea at the Ivy etc. etc. Sigh!!! It's tough being so popular.
Anyhooo, we got back in the car, and with the Pants firmly in his car seat we encounter the dreaded feedback. Whenever he lent back on his ears this whistling sound would go off. This continued when I waved my hand past his head. This is no good, I can't have a whistling baby. Dan did explain to me why it was happening, he did so twice and in great detail, and this is the upshot of what I got from his's like a microphone and an amp, sound is getting through where it shouldn't be, it feedback blah blah blah, you get the whistling. Right, yeah, aha, I understand, but I want to make it stop. So a quick phone call to the audiology department provided me with my answer........a small tin of Vaseline. Yep, I popped some Vaseline on the inner part of his hearing aid and it sealed it in his ear nice and good, now no feedback and one Zack with the volume turned up.
So far he has listened to lots of MTV and TMF but not Kiss or MTV Bass, oh no, just the good stuff. He has also had me singing him crap songs constantly and chatting to him. At one point he looked at me in despair as if to say "Woman, will you just shut up."
In conclusion the hearing aids are not so bad. They haven't been an earth shattering revelation but I think he doesn't mind them. He certainly doesn't hate them and for me that'll do.
I have pimped Zack's Little Room up even more and a few things for his big room too. I popped out to Hobby Craft and came back with a load of bells and whistles. Well, not so much whistles, but I did get bells. And pom poms, two different types of black and white cloth, shiny holographic silver paper, a snow globe, oh and these foam letters in shiny sparkly different colours that spell out his name. And some stick on brightly coloured felt spaceships and sea animals all to go on his wall in his big room. I was very impressed with myself. Dan was quite impressed. Zack was reasonable impressed for a change and later on in the evening I caught him having a sneaky look at his name on the wall. I could spend hours in Hobby Craft, I love it in there, it's almost as good as a huge shoe shop, but not that good. In fact a shoe shop the size of Hobby Craft would be amazing. Why hasn't anyone done that yet?
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