Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Snug little Bug

Zack has moved into his room. It's all finished and it looks brilliant. A proper little boy's room. Smells like one too. Why do boys just stink?

He slept reasonably well the first night. I didn't. He felt like he was in another country. Needless to say I ended up bringing him into our room, because, well, because he was a bit upset. Oh okay, it made me feel better. 

Since that first night, I no longer worry and he sleeps like a snug little bug. I have chosen a new bed for him, an all singing all dancing, all moving up down side to side and around bed. It will be here in a few weeks which will mean no more kneeling down and no more bad backs. 

Here are some pictures of his finished room. I love it. He loves it. Happy times.

Top End, note solar system

Bottom end, bed to follow 

1 comment:

busybusybeejay said...

That looks great.So colourful.

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