That last post was my 200th post. Wow. 200 posts about one little boy.
Well, here's to the 201st post. Zack remains reasonably well, although he still isn't quite right. I can't put my finger on it but he just isn't 100%. We have an appointment with his consultant at the Child Development Centre soon, will ask a few questions then, perhaps she can shed some more light on things.
We are currently looking at the dreaded world of adaptions. Yep, adapting part of the house for Zack so that he can have easy access to his bedroom, toilet, shower etc. We've been thinking about all this for some time. Come up with lots of options, got rid of lots of options and now down to one, possibly a second, lingering in the background.
The main one includes us paying for and having an extension to house a new kitchen. We were going to get the kitchen refurbished anyway, I had the spark of genius to suggest that the old kitchen would be a great room for Zack. Obviously without kitchen facilities.
We would then build out into the back garden a new big kitchen/family room with French doors going outside, again easy access to the outdoor area for Zack.
We had the OT and the architect round. After lots of deliberating it seems it can be done. But there are obstacles, most of which are all too dull and boring to go into here. Upshot is, major work, massive work, all very stressful.
Well, more stress in our lives, of course that's what we need. It was all getting a little boring round here anyway.
We now wait to here about the next step from the OT. I am trying not to think about it, best not to get worked up before even a brick has been removed.
This isn't my blog, it's Zack's. Zack arrived here seven weeks early, he had no heartbeat and wasn't breathing. He suffered catastrophic damage to his brain, he has cerebral palsy, problems with his hearing, vision and feeding. Our lives are both challenging and extraordinary. He is a gift. I hope that for whatever reason you find yourself reading this blog it can go some way to help those in the same situation and some way to remove the cloak that covers parenting a child with disabilities.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
Now for the shock
Zack thought we hadn't been to hospital for a while so worked up a real treat of a virus over the past week.
An episode of difficulty in breathing due to a blocked nose, high temp and no sleep for almost two days had me whisking him off to the open access ward for some answers.
We weren't alone for too long a little friend we know well ended in the next bed. Hello if you're reading, hope you feel better. Thought it was slightly dramatic just to have a catch up but it was nice to chat to someone who understands what you're going through.
Two doctors, one x-ray, one urine test and one lot of ibuprofen later we were sent packing with some antibiotics and instructions to drown him in saline nose drops to soften the mucus. Turns out the X ray didn't show definite signs of a chest infection but little spots that may suggest something could turn nasty. Using the theory better to be safe than sorry we took the antibiotics in the hope this may clear up any nast hanging about.
Poor boy, he's just caught one thing after the other, probably our worst winter yet. I think it's all to do with him going to nursery and mixing with lots more children. I am hoping that the more he catches the stronger his immune system gets then again, I know there have been some really horrible bugs out there, I've had them twice and took a while to shift them.
Oh and to top this off Scarly bum has been poorly with her own virus giving her the trots and a lack of appetite. Although it didn't put her off eating half a Freddo bar and ice-cream.
Corner now turned, fingers crossed, seems like both of them are on the mend. I know Zack is feeling a little better as I have had some smiles here and there today and the Scazlet has been stuffing her face. Aaaah back to normal.
Now for the shock......Zack fell off the bed!
Dramatic Pause.
I know. He doesn't move much. How did that happen? I propped him up in a sitting position on our bed with a pillow either side of him to stop him leaning. Scarlett and I went in to her room, next minute I heard, bang, bang, ten second pause and then whoooooooh, whoaaaaah.
No, I thought, it can't be. Whisked up Scarlett went running in to our bedroom to find Zack in tears on the floor. Immediately scooped him up checked for bleeding, checked for bumps, checked for red marks. Nothing. Five minutes of cuddles later he was happy again.
So what happened? He was a foot away from the bed in a sitting position. He wasn't lying down ready to roll. I mean it's bad, but in a way, it's good. It means he can move somewhat. Now when I put him on the couch I have three massive cushions on the floor and give him firm instructions to stay.
I told his Dad what happened, all the while Zack was listening and kept smiling at the phrase "I don't know how he did it".
Little minx, what is he up too?
An episode of difficulty in breathing due to a blocked nose, high temp and no sleep for almost two days had me whisking him off to the open access ward for some answers.
We weren't alone for too long a little friend we know well ended in the next bed. Hello if you're reading, hope you feel better. Thought it was slightly dramatic just to have a catch up but it was nice to chat to someone who understands what you're going through.
Two doctors, one x-ray, one urine test and one lot of ibuprofen later we were sent packing with some antibiotics and instructions to drown him in saline nose drops to soften the mucus. Turns out the X ray didn't show definite signs of a chest infection but little spots that may suggest something could turn nasty. Using the theory better to be safe than sorry we took the antibiotics in the hope this may clear up any nast hanging about.
Poor boy, he's just caught one thing after the other, probably our worst winter yet. I think it's all to do with him going to nursery and mixing with lots more children. I am hoping that the more he catches the stronger his immune system gets then again, I know there have been some really horrible bugs out there, I've had them twice and took a while to shift them.
Oh and to top this off Scarly bum has been poorly with her own virus giving her the trots and a lack of appetite. Although it didn't put her off eating half a Freddo bar and ice-cream.
Corner now turned, fingers crossed, seems like both of them are on the mend. I know Zack is feeling a little better as I have had some smiles here and there today and the Scazlet has been stuffing her face. Aaaah back to normal.
Now for the shock......Zack fell off the bed!
Dramatic Pause.
I know. He doesn't move much. How did that happen? I propped him up in a sitting position on our bed with a pillow either side of him to stop him leaning. Scarlett and I went in to her room, next minute I heard, bang, bang, ten second pause and then whoooooooh, whoaaaaah.
No, I thought, it can't be. Whisked up Scarlett went running in to our bedroom to find Zack in tears on the floor. Immediately scooped him up checked for bleeding, checked for bumps, checked for red marks. Nothing. Five minutes of cuddles later he was happy again.
So what happened? He was a foot away from the bed in a sitting position. He wasn't lying down ready to roll. I mean it's bad, but in a way, it's good. It means he can move somewhat. Now when I put him on the couch I have three massive cushions on the floor and give him firm instructions to stay.
I told his Dad what happened, all the while Zack was listening and kept smiling at the phrase "I don't know how he did it".
Little minx, what is he up too?
Monday, 5 March 2012
Well, it beats Disney
If it's not one birthday it's another.
Zack's sister turned one on the 1st of March. One. Where did that year go?
She had a fantastic day. Zack spent the morning at nursery. Enjoying World Book Day dressed as Dracula. Well, it beats, Disney any day, plus I was being eco-friendly by recycling Halloween costumes. Eco-friendly and too tight to buy something new.
World Book Day? We never did that when I was at school.
Scazlett went for breakfast then on to the Jungle. By Jungle I mean your basic soft play area. She spent the hour scooting round the place and shouting Dad, dad every five minutes. He was allowed to stand in the background but not with her, she didn't want her style cramped.
We picked up Pants, went home, had lunch then off out to the park. It was a lovely day, we showed them the animals, well a lot of chickens and ducks really, maybe a few goats and one pony. Zack went on a swing that was more or less a round tube with some netting across it. He loved it though.
You'd think that is enough for a one year old. Oh no, Queen Bee had her birthday party too on the Saturday. It was very, very busy but she loved it, quite the little social butterfly. Zack had a great time up until about 4.30pm when he decided to vomit and not stop vomiting until about midnight.
He then past the baton to me whereby I stuck my head down the toilet from 5am until about 3pm. Either we had both picked up a bug or we had eaten something rotten. Either way I felt like I had the hangover without the joy of the drink the night before. Mind you on the bright side I got to have a massive lie in and spend the day in my P.Js. Trouble is Dan is well due some big Mountain Biking expeditions, fair enough, I think he can be afforded a day off or two.
Here are some pictures from the exploits.
Zack's sister turned one on the 1st of March. One. Where did that year go?
She had a fantastic day. Zack spent the morning at nursery. Enjoying World Book Day dressed as Dracula. Well, it beats, Disney any day, plus I was being eco-friendly by recycling Halloween costumes. Eco-friendly and too tight to buy something new.
World Book Day? We never did that when I was at school.
Scazlett went for breakfast then on to the Jungle. By Jungle I mean your basic soft play area. She spent the hour scooting round the place and shouting Dad, dad every five minutes. He was allowed to stand in the background but not with her, she didn't want her style cramped.
We picked up Pants, went home, had lunch then off out to the park. It was a lovely day, we showed them the animals, well a lot of chickens and ducks really, maybe a few goats and one pony. Zack went on a swing that was more or less a round tube with some netting across it. He loved it though.
You'd think that is enough for a one year old. Oh no, Queen Bee had her birthday party too on the Saturday. It was very, very busy but she loved it, quite the little social butterfly. Zack had a great time up until about 4.30pm when he decided to vomit and not stop vomiting until about midnight.
He then past the baton to me whereby I stuck my head down the toilet from 5am until about 3pm. Either we had both picked up a bug or we had eaten something rotten. Either way I felt like I had the hangover without the joy of the drink the night before. Mind you on the bright side I got to have a massive lie in and spend the day in my P.Js. Trouble is Dan is well due some big Mountain Biking expeditions, fair enough, I think he can be afforded a day off or two.
Here are some pictures from the exploits.
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I want to alleviate the fear of death
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