First things, Zack baked.
I ate the cakes! Delicious.
On to more important things.....
Zack and I went to check out some wheels the other day. You see he has a lovely Quinny pram that he doesn't much like any more and a really cheap stroller that he loves but doesn't support him very well. He tends to end up leaning to one side in it, so we prop him up with some rolled up blankets which isn't a good look for such a cool little dude.
We went to visit the good old NHS Wheelchair Services and after being kept waiting for half an hour we met with two very pleasant physios one who cuddled Zack a lot and told him what lovely hair he had and another who looked through a catalogue (Zack decided he'd do a big spit cough in his face, well you should pay more attention to him.)
It was decided that a Tom Cross Buggy would be best for Zack. I asked if there was a choice or if I could put some pennies towards one. They advised me that whilst I could as they offer a voucher scheme, it might be best to wait a bit as Zack is still little and growing. I could end up wasting my money on something that might not be of any use to him in a years time. Whereas if they get it for me and he doesn't like it, then I haven't lost any money. Also if anything goes wrong with it then all the repairs are done at the offices.
Here's a pic of one (scroll down until you get to Tom Cross Stroller), the bits of padding and support can be taken away depending on what the child needs, for instance Zack won't need a middle pummel bit.
Tom Cross Stroller
We just have to wait for six to eight weeks until it arrives. I am hoping Zack will like it as it will offer him much better support and perhaps mean we can go out for longer walks too.
After that appointment we dashed over to a physio session. All the stretching and rolling about on a gym ball meant that Zack decided to throw up a bit of food on the physio and mat. Well he was doing a lot of lying on his tummy.
Talking of this puking, the new food we are on is finally going okay. He is still sick but the quantity is a lot less. I have stopped all his reflux meds as they were not making one dot of difference and have finally got an appointment to see the gastroenterologist at Alder Hey. I am hoping we can try something to stop the sickness and to get to the bottom of why it all got so bad after he was ill.
I am having to fill in Zack's Disability Living Allowance form again. We have to do this every year and one year on I am still ticking the same yes he can't do that on his own boxes. If you dwell on the fact that in the eyes of the DLA not much has changed it's pretty depressing reading. But then they don't have boxes for the fact that his vision has improved, his hearing has improved, he smiles and laughs with us, he likes to stand up in his standing frame, he can tell us that he wants us to carry on playing the same game. The form is just interested in the basics, movement, care, illness. Still if it means he can get some financial support that will help towards equipment or therapy then I can fill the form in without sliding into mild depression.
One last thing, Zack has become a right stroppy bum over the past couple of weeks. We can't work out whether its his teeth, his tummy, or if he just wants to be constantly entertained. One things for sure this boy can cry like no other baby. It's almost as though we have been spoilt with a child that's been perfect for a year and half and now he's decided to show us how temperamental children can be. In some ways it's good, it's good that he knows what he wants, it's good that he is becoming so self aware and a little bit frustrated. It's not so good for my ears or my back (he likes to be carried round the house, it's the only thing that will shut him up).
Oh and finally, finally. Zack went to his first wedding at the weekend. He just went to the church bit, where he then fell asleep throughout the service, woke up at the end and then decided to cry all the way to his nan and grandad's house. Still he looked nice.
Here's a pic of him with his daddy.
And one of him working his Amish look...
Until next time so long readers.
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